How to Help Someone Experiencing an Epileptic Seizure


Watching someone experience a seizure can be a frightening thing. Also, such episodes, medically known as epilepsy, are not uncommon as 50 million people worldwide battle it. So, is there something that you can do to provide relief to someone going through a seizure? Yes! You can actually act as the first responder and prevent further damage.


In order to do that, you should be aware of what exactly epilepsy means, its symptoms, and types. Let’s get started.


Understanding Epilepsy

Epilepsy is a common neurological disorder where the person experiences recurrent seizures varying from mild jerks to severe convulsions. In half the cases, the main reason for occurrence is established is a lack of oxygen supply to the brain. The other reasons that can be held responsible for these convulsions are a brain injury, an infection, a tumor, or other genetic reasons.


Symptoms of a seizure

These seizures vary from person to person, however, certain common signs can be found in every patient. They are:

     Temporary confusion

     Staring spell

     Uncontrollable jerking of  arms and legs

     Loss of consciousness or awareness

     Experiencing fear, anxiety, or deja vu


Types of seizures

Seizures are sudden, uncontrolled electrical disturbances in the brain that can manifest in various ways. They can range from mild, momentary lapses in awareness to severe convulsions. There are different types of seizures, broadly categorized into focal (partial) seizures and generalized seizures.


  1. Focal seizures — these affect only a part of the brain. There are two broad types:

     Seizures without loss of consciousness that alter the person\’s emotions or affect their way of looking at things, how they smell, feel, or taste.

     Seizures with impaired awareness also known as complex partial seizures that include staring spells with repetitive movements like rubbing of hands, walking in circles, chewing, or swallowing.


2. Generalized seizures — involve the entire brain and can be further classified into:


     Absence seizures occur generally in kids and involve staring into space, indulging in subtle movements, and can also result in loss of awareness.

     Tonic seizures are responsible for muscle stiffness in the back, arms, and legs resulting in falls.

     Atonic seizures, also known as drop seizures cause loss of muscle control resulting in sudden collapse.

     Clonic seizures are characterized by rhythmic or repeated jerking of the neck, face, and arms.

     Myoclonic seizures are responsible for sudden and brief jerks in the arms or legs.

     Tonic-clonic seizures are severe in nature causing abrupt loss of consciousness accompanied by body stiffness, loss of bladder control, and sometimes biting of the tongue.



Causes of seizures

While epilepsy is the most common cause of a seizure, let’s take a look at some other factors too:


     High fever (leading to febrile convulsions, seen in infants and young children)

     Head trauma

     Brain infections (meningitis or encephalitis)

     Brain tumors


     Imbalances in electrolytes or blood sugar, or other metabolic disorders

     Alcohol and/or drug withdrawal




What to Do When Someone Is Having a Seizure


Almost every kind of seizure has a serious fallout. In order to save your loved ones from further harm, we have listed a sequence of actions that you can undertake before professionals take over.


     Stay calm

     To prevent the person from choking, roll him/her over onto their sid

     Provide a cushion for the person\’s head


     To make breathing easy, loosen the collar of the person

     Grip the jaw gently and tilt the person’s head slightly backwards

     This will allow a more thorough and clear airway


     Gently turn the person onto their side to help clear the airway and prevent any potential choking on saliva or vomit


     Avoid restraining the person. That should only happen if the convulsions can lead to bodily harm


     Never put anything in the mouth of the person. It is an absolute myth that people with seizures choke on their own tongue.


     Create a safe space by clearing the surroundings. They might choke on foreign objects that include water and medication.


     Avoid shaking the person. That is not helpful in any way. Also, don\’t shout. Stay calm.

     Make sure there are no sharp or pointed objects near the person


     Time the seizure and note the triggers (if possible)

     This  will prove crucial for the professionals who will take over after your first aid


     Stay by their side till the seizure ends


     If the seizure occurs in a public place, ask the bystanders to give the person space as he/she will be disoriented, tired, irritated, even embarrassed


Every seizure cannot be dealt with using the above-mentioned points. There will be situations when you will need professional help especially when the affected person has a prior ailment. Do not waste time in calling for help if you are facing the below-listed circumstances:


     The person is diabetic

     The person is pregnant

     The seizure occurred in water

     The episode lasts for more than 5 minutes

     There is no sign of consciousness after the seizure is over

     The afflicted is not breathing once the seizure stops

     There are signs of high fever

     Before regaining consciousness, another seizure begins

     The person endures an injury during the episode

     If this, according to your knowledge, is the first-ever episode the person has had


Emergency Numbers in India: 102 or 108


Post-Seizure Tips

Once the seizure has subsided, here’s what you can do to help the individual

     Offer comfort and reassurance by helping them understand what has happened

     Respect their privacy and give them space to come to terms with the episode

     Let them regain their composure at their pace

     Encourage them to seek medical help (especially if the seizure occurred for the first or is happening too often)




Epilepsy Clinic at Plexus

If the above steps are followed in letter and spirit, it can save the person from enduring a lot of pain as well as stress.


At Plexus’ Epilepsy Clinic, we offer customized and advanced treatment programs for epilepsy.

Epilepsy, as a whole, can be controlled, managed, and mitigated too by Stem Cell Therapy — a non-surgical procedure where stem cells, which have the capacity to regenerate, replace the damaged cells in the body.


Read more about Stem Cell Therapy for Epilepsy here.

Or reach out to Team Plexus today.

WhatsApp +91 89048 42087

Call +91 78159 64668 (Hyderabad) | +91 82299 99888 (Bangalore)



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