How to deal with the aftermath of a Spinal Cord Injury?

An injury to the spinal cord (SCI) is considered to be a debilitating condition. Being afflicted with an SCI is a life-altering situation that comes with physical and emotional difficulties. It's easy to question what a spinal cord injury can impact the person who suffers for so long, yet the reasons are based on science. Thus, managing SCI requires a lot of resilience, flexibility and a positive outlook.

In this complete guide, we will explore the many aspects of living with spinal cord injury, together with strategies to cope as well as life expectancy concerns and the significance of enduring.

What is an SCI?

The injury to the spinal cord is result of a trauma in the cervical cord. The severity of the injury is such that it may cause either bruising the spinal cord, tear it in pieces or completely tear the spinal cord completely.

It causes loss of function and feeling at the area of the injury. The effects of SCI may cause impairment to mobility and everyday activities. Dealing with SCI involves managing emotional, physical, and social shifts.

Learn further on SCI and the different forms of SCI here.

The moment that follows an injury or trauma to the spine could frequently result in paralysis. This can be extremely confusing and extremely traumatizing. Counsellors are able to help in helping those who have suffered the injuries get to a place at which they are able to comprehend the events that have occurred to them, and then work to live a more productive life. Sometimes, counsellors work with the family members of the victims to ensure the highest level of living.

The initial phase following the injury to the spinal cord is referred to as"an acute" phase. The person who has survived is urged to discuss every aspect of the incident that occurred. The majority of information is gained about the psychological physical, mental and physiological state of the spinal cord victim. The patient is then assisted to make a good checklist that lists all the tasks he/she can do on his own. The survivor is encouraged to keep performing those tasks. In the cases of tasks that need assistance from a professional, the person is instructed to graciously accept help in the same. Employment, financial and insurance information is taken into consideration as they are crucial to a spinal cord victim.

Coping Strategies for Living with Spinal Cord Injury

Be sure

Create a positive mental attitude. Although it may seem like a lot of work accepting the reality and a determination to conquer obstacles, is crucial to live with SCI. Concentrate on what you can achieve instead of worrying about what you are unable to accomplish. Be surrounded by your family and friends as well as health professionals who can support your progress, and who can aid in a positive mental attitude.

Get assistance from a professional

Rehabilitation is the key to adjusting to living life in the world of SCI. Occupational therapists, occupational therapists as well as mental health specialists are your essential allies. Our highly trained team of SCI specialists and therapists can give advice on the subject of mobility, adaptive technology as well as psychological assistance. Regular sessions will greatly aid in physical rehabilitation and aid you overcome emotional obstacles.

Consider/adopt adaptive technologies

Adaptive technology, like the use of wheelchairs, devices that speak as well as computer interfaces enable people to return to autonomy and improve your daily functioning. Take advantage of these technology and integrate them to make a significant contribution to your experience with SCI.

Active physically

Although SCI can severely limit mobility physical health and fitness remain vitally important. Activities that are adapted and designed specifically for people who suffer from SCI could contribute to overall health and well-being. At Plexus our expert team of physical therapists will create a customized fitness program that takes the specific requirements of your capabilities.

Benefit from a social network that is supportive

Being isolated from your friends can greatly affect your mental health. Create and maintain a positive social network that stands behind you and help you to be a better person. Join community events such as support groups and meet with people who are who are facing similar struggles. This can help create an identity and sense of belonging and help reduce feelings of inadequate and loneliness.

Life Expectancy based on Spinal Cord Injury

To fully comprehend the life expectancy for spinal cord injuries, one needs to take into consideration a variety of factors like the severity and type of injury, health overall, and accessibility to medical care. Although life expectancy could be affected, modern medical treatment and rehabilitation methods can dramatically improve the outcome for those suffering from SCI.

Improvements in medical procedures like regenerative medicine (for e.g. stem cell therapies) as well as procedures, medications and preventative medical care are all contributing to better quality of life for all. Access to high-quality healthcare and efficient management of secondary issues can affect the life expectancy of a patient. Regular check-ups and preventive care and timely detection of medical conditions will help people suffering from SCI ensure optimal health and also decrease the chance of developing further complications.

Mental health is entwined with physical health which in turn, increases the length of life. The emotional stress that occurs with SCI is a significant strain on the survivors' mental health which can lead to numerous people suffering from anxiety, depression and other ailments. Getting help from a psychologist and keeping an optimistic mindset will positively affect the life expectancy of a person.

Plexus' Rehabilitation for Spinal Cord Injury

In Plexus Bangalore in Bangalore and Hyderabad we provide advanced Regenerative rehabilitation programs specifically designed for SCI which can be tailored to meet the individual's symptoms and objectives. Our primary goal in our rehabilitation programs is recovering and returning to an independent lifestyle within the context of a active life, social context and work. In order to achieve this, dedication to therapy is necessary and a positive mindset is continually maintained. Each little accomplishment of the person who is recovering are celebrated and easy tasks are commenced in a systematic manner prior to any difficult task being taken on. There are numerous goals for the long term that are set for the patient after the complete medical and psychological assessment has been conducted.

Our program includes:

Mobility and gait training

Balance training

Activities to help with the daily life (ADL) training

Physical training

Relearning the task

Trunk control

Training for strength

Transitional patterns of training

The role of our team members during Rehabilitation process

The team is interdisciplinary who are given the task of rehabilitation for the person who has survived the spinal cord injury. Every participant in the rehabilitation team has their own responsibility. There are nurses who serve as the primary educator as well as emotional boosters and caregivers. Therapists such as occupational, recreational occupational therapists, and occupational ones teach life skills that aid in restoring function. Doctors are available to prescribe medication and assessing physical condition. Psychologists also assist in providing the much-needed emotional release since this kind of injury can lead to emotional scars that are deep.

Dealing with spinal cord injuries is similar to a multidimensional journey. It demands the physical and emotional rehabilitation and also social support. For the survivor the survivor, there is also determination, perseverance and determination. At Plexus we've seen many brave and spirited survivors of SCI who have gone into happy lives.

If you'd like to learn more details regarding how we can help you with SCI rehab programs contact our team members at Bangalore or Hyderabad now.

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Call +91 78159 64668 (Hyderabad) | +91 82299 99888 (Bangalore)



How can you get over an injury to your spinal cord?

The process of coping and living with an injury to the spinal cord requires rehabilitation, adaptive technology and a positive attitude toward life. Occupational therapy, physiotherapy, as well as psychological support are crucial in helping patients accept their injury and then move on with the diagnosis.

Are you able to live an ordinary life in the wake of a spinal cord injury?

Definitely. Being able to live a normal life even with a spinal cord injuries is possible. With the advancement of adaptive technology and rehabilitation the person with an SCI doesn't have to hinder the possibility of living a normal existence. Furthermore, through an inclusive social network, patients can gain independence and take part in everyday activities.

What are the warning signs that your spine injury is severe?

The following are the most important indicators of an SCI:

Respiratory problems

Muscle weakness

The loss of sensation in the legs, arms or chest

The inability to move muscles in the chest, arms or legs

The loss of bladder and/or bowel control and functioning

Sexual function is lost

Medical attention immediately is essential in the event that any of these signs are present in order to avoid any further harm.

Is it possible for a damaged spinal cord to recover?

Regenerative therapies, including stem cells, provide patients a chance to have hope in dealing with SCI. Stem cell therapy can help restore and replace damaged nerve cells that are located in the spinal cord. It can be extremely beneficial in controlling symptoms of SCI and enables patients to lead more fulfilled lives.

What is the life expectancy following a an injury to the spinal cord?

The life expectancy following an injury to the spinal cord is dependent on a variety of factors, like the severity or severity of injury accessibility to healthcare and overall health, both mental and physical.

Are spinal cord injuries permanent?

The majority of SCIs are irreparable. But, with a timely rehabilitation that includes physiotherapy rehabilitation therapies, occupational therapy and assistive technologies, those who suffer from SCI are able to live fulfilling lives. 


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