Watch Out For These 11 Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis!
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a progressive autoimmune disorder that typically shows up in a variety of symptoms affecting different parts of the body. While some symptoms keep worsening over time, others may come and go without warning. Keeping an eye out for the most common symptoms can help with early detection and the commencement of the best Multiple Sclerosis treatment in Bangalore.
Understanding Multiple Sclerosis
MS is a chronic inflammatory condition of the central nervous system. It is an autoimmune demyelinating disease, which means the immune system mistakenly attacks normal tissues — in this case, the myelin or protective covering around nerve fibers. This leaves scarred tissues or lesions in multiple areas, disrupting electrical impulses throughout the body. When the myelin sheath is damaged, nerve impulses slow down or even stop, causing neurological problems.
Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis
The symptoms of MS typically show up in an individual between the ages of 20 and 40. They tend to vary a lot in their intensity and are often unpredictable in the way they manifest. Some of the common symptoms that individuals display are as follows:
Fatigue: About 80% of Multiple Sclerosis patients experience fatigue and weakness in the early stages of their illness. The fatigue often appears suddenly and continues for weeks, after which it may improve. Chronic fatigue can affect the patient’s ability to carry out even the simplest of activities and tends to worsen at the end of the day. Weakness may also manifest, especially in the legs.
Dizziness and balance problems: As the nervous system is attacked, the patient may experience issues with bodily coordination and balance. Dizziness and lightheadedness are common symptoms, especially while standing up.
Numbness or tingling: This is one of the most common early warning signs. As nerves in the brain and spinal cord get affected, signals either get conflicted or do not reach different parts of the body, which leads to numbness and tingling. The patient may experience a feeling like an electric shock when moving the head or the neck.
Pain: Multiple Sclerosis patients commonly experience chronic pain, as well as muscle stiffness and spasms that can lead to uncontrollable jerking movements and trouble moving around.
Tremors: About half of Multiple Sclerosis patients experience tremors — ranging from minor ones to highly intense ones that affect their ability to do everyday activities.
Vision problems: This is a common symptom affecting around one in four patients, although it creeps up slowly and may not be noticed at first. The optic nerve gets damaged owing to inflammation and can cause blurry or reduced vision, double vision, color blindness, and involuntary eye movements.
Bladder and bowel problems: Up to 80% of Multiple Sclerosis patients experience problems with bladder control. They may also experience diarrhea, constipation, or impaired bowel control.
Depression and anxiety: Multiple Sclerosis patients often experience significant depression — both as a result of damaged nerve fibers in the brain and as an emotional consequence of having to deal with a lifelong illness.
Cognitive problems: Reduced attention span, memory loss, and difficulty staying organized are all common symptoms as a result of impaired cognitive function. Patients may also have trouble processing information or engaging in problem-solving activities.
Speech and swallowing difficulties: Several Multiple Sclerosis patients may experience slurred speech or difficulties in chewing and swallowing food.
What to do if you display symptoms
If you display any of the warning signs of Multiple Sclerosis, it is crucial to get a diagnosis from the best Multiple Sclerosis treatment in Bangalore. It is also necessary to keep track of when your symptoms start showing up, when they disappear (if at all) and when they worsen in degree. This will help your doctor understand how the disease is progressing and how to treat it appropriately.
It is important to remember that the right treatment of Multiple Sclerosis can help you manage your symptoms in a better manner, and with time and necessary lifestyle adjustments, you can lead the full and active life of your choice.
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